Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back in the Scottish Highlands!

Heya all =D

Well ive been working now at Tomdoun Hotel for one month exactly. Its certainly been interesting. There seems like alot to say, and not alot to say at the same time.

Its all pretty much as i expected, though it is alot more remote then i hoped...i mean i hoped for remote, but maybe not 40mins-drive-from-the-nearest-largish-town remote hehe. It is amazing stunning here though, i mean really stunning, the mountains and lochs are simply breath taking. And, evidently very quiet as well, which is honestly blistful. This is Loch Quoich, just up the road a bit.

So yeah, its a very small team working here (Mike the owner, Allan the bar manager, Dave the chef, 2 other girls doing the same as me - Anne from poland and Klara from czech - and then myself!), and its fairly quiet at the moment, we're closed tonight because we have no one staying and theres no point being open, so im amusing myself looking at university courses for next year on MY NEW LAPTOP =D Here is the link to the model i bought.

Im so over the moon with it, its perfect for what i need, including for university next year. Its so easy to use, and everything is just working so well with it. And pretty cheap too, £450/$900 i paid. Its so nice to be able to back up and sort out all my photos, and go on the net whenever i like (they have wifi in the hotel). Ive been putting it off for so long, mainly because i didn't want the stress or inconvenience of travelling with one up until now...travelling through Europe, staying at random hostels, constantly moving around. I mean, it would have been useful, but not worth it. Internet cafes are so easy to find everywhere, it was never an issue.

So, work here is easy and laid back mostly, except the bar manager is being a bit difficult and is upsetting a couple of us...we don't get on too well, but it seems to be alright at the moment. Im doing lots of different types of work, waitressing, bar work, housekeeping, answering phones and other officy stuff, working in the kitchen preparing food and washing up etc, cooking hot breakfasts for up to like 18 people, everything really! I guess thats a plus for working in a small place.

So all is well, hope everyone else is also well =D oxox

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