Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just chillin' by the seaside in Brighton

Well, here i am again, back in Brighton, just hangin out with Ty and watching my money
dissipate at a frightening rate. Ive now spent over half of the original money i left home with, and therefore realise that i MUST work, instead of just working for something constructive to do. Yesturday we made some awesome chicken sandwiches and went to eat them in the park where there were some people playing cricket. I took full advantage of what little sun there was and tried in vain to sustain my tan, while i believe Ty has given up all hope! LOL Apart from being attacked by tiny spiders that were appearing EVERYWHERE from NOWHERE, we had an awesome day just chillin together cos he had the whole day off work.

So at this stage i have numeral possibilities available to me, of which i am seriously considering going into carers work. This of course will be a huge committment of myself and particularly time, as the organisation i have recently spoken with has a contract of no less than 6 months. They provide full training, then send you off on assignments throughout England for 3 weeks at a time, then you have 1 week off (in which time i would try to arrange time in Europe somewhere, e.g. Paris, Rome, Venice, etc!), then 3 weeks on again somewhere else. It pays really well, but i understand that it would not be an easy job by any means.

So there is that, and then i am keeping a close eye on which has a whole host of jobs available, including anything and everything in hopitality throughout the UK as well as heaps of other random stuff. Another thing im considering are the organisations here that run "residential activity holidays and educational courses for children", where you basically hang out with kids and guide them through summer programs of various activities and stuff, which sounds interesting. Apart from that i found an AMAZING looking job in Greece ( working in a restaurant or something. Ive emailed them, but im not sure about the visa thing and if its legal for me to work there, as i only have a 2 year working holiday visa for the UK. So im trying not to get too excited about that one just yet, although looking at the website, its hard not to!

So its just kicking over into summer and there are all of these jobs available, so im taking my time to mull over what is the best. I think i am being too fussy at the moment, but i don't want to just rush into something and find that its not what i wanted to do and it doesn't pay as well as something else i could have done, and id be stuck there for at least a few months. Its kind of a long process, and i have a few options available to me at the moment which im considering, but yeah, im just taking it a little slow and enjoying my time here.

Also, its Ty's 25th birthday on Tuesday, YAY!! I think i timed it pretty well to hang with him for his bday, which is awesome. We'll probably just do lunch or something, because i think he has to work that night. Then on Wednesday or Thursday it looks like im heading to Portsmouth, which is about an hour West of here, still on the coast. I'll be staying with George, an awesome chicky babe i met on the first Vaughan Town and we got on really well. So im pretty excited about going to visit her, though i must try to keep concentrating on arrange some work!

So yeah, not much else to say, but ill update again when i know my next movements. Hopefully ill have an amazing job to report about where im being whisked away to an amazing island in the Med to work minimal hours and be paid a fortune! HUH! :-D In my dreams. Well i hope everyone is well, and im sure you'll all here from me again very soon! Take care oxoxox

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