Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Its all happening back in the UK

Well, ALOT has happened in the last week or so.

Ive had some major decisions to make and alot of thinking to do. Many of my decisions were left up to my foot, and last week i decided to have the cast removed because i felt like it was improving. It was a good decision because i have been walking on it since then (well hobbling actually), but its still causing me some pain and i know its not completely healed.

Other than this ive had other things to think about, like University and whether or not im going to return home this month...and its shaping up to not be the case. Right at this moment ive got such mixed feeling about the whole thing. I could go, or i could stay. I feel like right now i could go either way and there are definitely pluses to each side.

I recieved the two offers i applied for with the Uni's, the one in Perth and Sydney Uni. I expected to get them because the courses i applied for were not difficult to get into, i mainly did that to keep my options open. So today i still haven't changed my flight that leaves next week to come back to OZ (i can do it up to two days before hand). Im just doing some major thinking and weighing up of my options.

The main option i am looking at is staying another year and changing my current flight until the latest possible, which is about 20th March (because it was valid for one year). Then, because i will need to purchase another flight later in the year to get home anyway, what im looking at doing is taking my current flight home on 20th March, staying for two weeks to see everyone, then have another return flight bought so that i can fly back here in early April and back home again at the end of the year!! I hope that makes sense!!!

It sounds complicated, but its not. And in other ways it is going to be complicated to organise because its cheaper to buy a return flight from OZ to the UK and back from Australia, so currently im contacting my travel agent back in OZ to check out prices for return flights and seeing if its going to be a serious option.

If it is and i think i can afford to do it, ill be able to come home for two weeks and see everyone!! YEY!!! Im terribly excited about that prospect, and im going to do what i can to arrange it. Also, i might try to cash in on Birthdays and Christmas etc etc presents that i didn't really get and hit up good ol' Mum and maybe my Dad to help me out, which would be amazing. Otherwise ill just stay on until the end of the year again i think!!

Its actually a scary thought, because up until now ive always had that return flight there, its been good to know that if i get home sick or whatever i can just head home whenever. But if i stay on, im committing myself until probably this December. Its not as though i couldn't come back, but if i decide to stay another year, then i might as well use it all!!

Also, i wonder what life would be like for me in OZ if i had have decided to come back now and move to Perth and study again. Im comfortable with that thought, really comfortable. I can almost see myself settling down into a proper life and having a space of my own and studying a subject that really excites me and focusing on the future and job prospects in the industry that are out there. *SIGH* But i know staying here that it will be good, i will have a good time. I feel like im very comfortable with Europe now and i can go anywhere on my own and know that i know how to look after myself and get around properly.

I am pretty worried about my foot, as it is still quite sore. I need to look after it properly and doing some exercises with it and rest it when i can. Because if i don't have my health here i have nothing really! Its definitley worrying me at the moment, but i can only do what i can do.

I flew back the UK on Monday and met with Jacqui (old TAFE friend) in Brighton and ive been staying with her. It was hard leaving Italy, i felt like i became really close to the family and was just starting to get into a routine there. They are such an amazing family and i felt like it was somewhere i could have easily and happily spent more time, particularly if i was well enough to help out more. But anyway, i guess that one of the harder things you have to do while travelling, only getting a certain amount of time to spend with people. You just have to recognise and appeciate the time that you do have with people if you are getting on really well.

So, its so good to see Jacqui again and catch up. We'll hang here until Thursday when she'll come to Dorset with me and stay for a couple days. And Jamie Oliver is coming to the pub on Thursday night!!! YEY!!! LOL Im sooooo looking forward to that! And it will be cool to have Jacqui there too cos she is a fan as well. Then it will be back to work for me on Friday!! Busy weekend apparently, i can only hope my foot is OK.

Anyway! So thats news! Ill keep this up to date on whats happening. Alot to, insurance for another year, organising my drivers licence etc etc etc Theres alot to do! For now im with Jacqui in Brighton enjoying AMAZING weather, its SUCH a gorgeous day and its soooo weird being here without Ty, i miss you!!! :(

Must go, internet is up. Love you all, hope i can come and see everyone back home in March, yey! oxoxoxoxoxoxox

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Well, ive done it, ive finanlly hurt myself. I supposed chances are that its likely to happen...but i managed to hurt myself in such a stupid and simple way that im pretty much stranded to a constant sitting or laying position until further notice.

Last Wednesday night i was all relaxed after a fantastic hot shower, listening to some tunes, then processed down one of the many stair cases in the house to the floor below. I was fiddling with my mobile and not paying attention right at the last step and didn't notice that last little bugger as i came tumbling down in a bundle in pain on the floor. Also, of course it was night time and of course i hadn't bothered to turn on the light (i must stay though the light switches here are wierd and ive found it easier not to bother before).

Anyway, long story short...I spent 7 hours in Emergency on Thursday waiting to see doctors and having an x-ray to check for broken bones. Fortunately i got the all clear for that, and then another doctor suggested that i have an ultrasound to check if the tendon in my arch (where all the freakin pain is) may be completely detached because i twisted it so severely.

So today ill go to get the scan, then tomorrow i have another appointment with another specialist to have a look at the result and my foot again. In the mean time im supposed to be volunteering on the farm, helping out and basically working for my board and food. Of course now im a complete invalid and am supposed to always have my foot up, which is driving me nuts and im continuing to help out here and there in the kitchen etc.

I can't tell you how bad i feel, especially now i have all these appointments in the hospital which is half and hour away. Though today its snowing again like a bitch and theres nothing to really do outside (or inside in fact) anyway. Also, ive had a look at the website for WWOOFing Italy and it says that if im temporarily disabled for more than 3 days i can claim some insurance money, as well as any hospital cost, which is great news. At least that way i can be giving the family some money to cover the costs of having me here.

Apart from my foot i feel fantastic. Im just incredibly frustrated that i can't do anything...and yes, i know (mum) that i should be resting it as muc as possible, which is happening most of the time. Its actually feeling a bit better today and im just praying that its just a torn tendon and not broken.

Its the 12th today, and in 4 days i will know my destiny for the year to come...the University offers for next year are released on 16th and i will decide whether or not to take that flight home at the end of the month. So i guess theres alot on my plate at the moment, even though im pretty much stuck inside and restricted to sitting at all times...grrrr

I shall try to keep this up to date, but i don't like to use the internet here too much because they seem to use it alot etc etc. If nothing else, i have learned that i really need to take care of myself and that im so grateful to at least be here because if i had been in just about any other situation i would be stuffed.

Well, must be off, hope everyone else is doing good. No temporary disabilities or otherwise to speak of i hope! =D Take care all, cheerish your healthy bodies! LOL oxox

Friday, January 04, 2008

Mama Mia!

Well after 20 hours on 5 different trains from Austria into Switzeland then into Italian, i find myself in the middle of just about nowhere with an amazing real-life Italian family and all that that includes.

Im going to keep this very brief as it is late and im pretty tired! Basically ive been asimilated into part of the family and we (meaning another lady who is also WWOOFing and her young daughter) just help out where we can everyday. The family has a B&B type thing and a restaurant and grow thier own fruit and veg and making thier own wine etc etc, as well as having two small children, so they are very busy people who need all the help they can get.

So ive been helping out in the restaurant and kitchen, outside in the woods etc etc. Its not too strenuous at the moment because its winter, so there no harvesting to do or anything like that, but there always seem to be something. Im staying in one of the guest rooms which is awesome. The building they live in is so old, so typically Italian, particularly the architecture, its so beautiful.

Its been snowing a far bit today, which limits work mainly to the house. Its so awesome to just sit and watch the snow falling, i haven't really seen it falling like that before, i felt like an excited little kid.

Anyway, theres so much to tell, its such a cool place to be. But im going to go to bed because im pretty tired right now! Hope everyone is well. Ill have some photos up asap. Take care oxox