Friday, January 04, 2008

Mama Mia!

Well after 20 hours on 5 different trains from Austria into Switzeland then into Italian, i find myself in the middle of just about nowhere with an amazing real-life Italian family and all that that includes.

Im going to keep this very brief as it is late and im pretty tired! Basically ive been asimilated into part of the family and we (meaning another lady who is also WWOOFing and her young daughter) just help out where we can everyday. The family has a B&B type thing and a restaurant and grow thier own fruit and veg and making thier own wine etc etc, as well as having two small children, so they are very busy people who need all the help they can get.

So ive been helping out in the restaurant and kitchen, outside in the woods etc etc. Its not too strenuous at the moment because its winter, so there no harvesting to do or anything like that, but there always seem to be something. Im staying in one of the guest rooms which is awesome. The building they live in is so old, so typically Italian, particularly the architecture, its so beautiful.

Its been snowing a far bit today, which limits work mainly to the house. Its so awesome to just sit and watch the snow falling, i haven't really seen it falling like that before, i felt like an excited little kid.

Anyway, theres so much to tell, its such a cool place to be. But im going to go to bed because im pretty tired right now! Hope everyone is well. Ill have some photos up asap. Take care oxox

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