Monday, February 04, 2008

Back at the Cottage

Well, its great to be back in the Cottage at the Museum, feels like ive come home.

Life feels so breezy and detached here. Its easy to let days, weeks and indeed months slip by working away, socialising, drinking, sleeping the days away. Last Sunday night the pub closed and the new owner took all the staff down to Poole (on the coast) to his other pub/business called 'The Cow' and we got to meet all the other staff which was interesting. We all had drink at thier pub, then went bowling (by which time i was trolleyed), then went out for Italian (by which time i was well trolleyed), then we went next door to a club and danced the night away (until 12:30am hehe).

It was a really good night, especially considering that us gals don't get out too often, so we really enjoyed it. Im trying to get hold of some photos from that night and ill get them up asap.

Apart from that, things around here have been same old same old. Im still looking into having a flying visit of OZ in March over Easter, which would be awesome. Got some more organising to do around that so ill keep you all posted.

Ive also been doing some major decorating in my room. Ive bought a great big year planner and a great big map of Europe and stuck up post cards, maps and other material all over my walls to remind me of the world outside Farnham, what i have seen and done and what there is left to see and do. Ive been talking to people and keeping my eyes and ears out for things to do this year. Id love to do some of the things i missed out on last year, like Octoberfest, seeing the South of Spain, seeing more of Scotland in Summer time, seeing Greece and seeing more of Austria. There quite a few idea floating aruond at the moment that im brewing up, so all these ideas are going to go up on my wall on brightly coloured pieces of paper.

Anyways, im enjoying being back here. At least i know that theres some money coming in instead of going out. Things were looking a bit bleak there for a little while! My foot is healing slowly, ive done alot of work this week so i haven't had much chance to rest it. I know though that i have deformed the bone somehow, because it does stick out more than the other side. So i guess this is going to be more of a permanent thing.

Well i best be off, its been a long week and weekend and im heading out for a drink or too before hitting the hay. I hope everyone is well back home! Haven't had any emails from people lately, love to hear from anyone! oxoxox :)

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