Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dos down, uno to go...

Well ive basically just arrived back in Madrid from my second week at Gredos doing the Vaughan Town program. Once again i had the most amazing time. It never ceases to amaze me, the people you meet and the bonds that are made.

I´ll get some photos up asap, though i didn´t really even get the camera out this week. I did the final party night, only enough time to gather incremidating evidence as such hehe. Rob and Dade did the Master of Ceremonies again this time, they are an inspiration. They put so much of thier love, time and energy into this program every week to make sure everyone is having a good time. And 99.9% of the time everyone does. Everyone goes away changed in one way or another from this short time together, and so many memories are created, its unbelievable.

Im really really enjoying talking to people and helping the Spanish participants with thier English. I don´t think ive ever really done anything that i enjoy so much. Im even starting to think that id like to teaching of one form or another when i get back to OZ. I could certainly see myself doing this with my life. Learning and sharing knowledge i think is so valuable, and to be in a position to help people where your help is changing lives is incredible to me. Its fantastic to be able to meet people and learn about a countries culture as well as help them master the English language and travel at the same time. I was talking to some people from the program today and we all agreed that sometimes travelling can seem pointless and fulfilling. Though having the opportunity to be involved with Vaughan Town really feels like its time well spent, which benefits everyone in a myriad or ways, some that i don´t think we can even fully understand.

Anyway, i wish i could rattle on more but i actually need to head off because we are all meeting for drinks here in Madrid in about 5 minutes. I might actually update this tomorrow before i head off on my third week of Vaughan Town on Sunday morning, hopefully ill get some time. I hope all is well back home, thinking of you all! oxoxoxoxoxoxox

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