Saturday, May 26, 2007

Photos of Vaughan Town 20th-25th May

Hey all,
Ive just got a link to some photos Dade took of last weeks Vaughan Town, you can see how much fun we all had!

I was stoked because one of the Spanards, Belinda, who i clicked with really well lent me a dress to wear for the last night at the party. It was so cool to dress up and be a bit girly for a change. She also works for a makeup company and we had some time together before the party just getting dressed and she did all my makeup...i felt pampered!

I have some of my own photos but im currently in an internet place that doesn´t have a USB connection thingy (well done Cassy), so i might just do it later on i think. Had a MAD time last night, just drinking in Madrid and wondering around at all hours with peoples from last week, as well as ´random guy´that we picked up on the metro, who turned out to be an English dude who has been travelling for ages and was incredibly funny and entertaining.

So yeah, just hanging out today with some peoples from last week again and then i´ll be onto the tapas party tonight at 7pm to meet the anglos/english speaking people for next weeks Vaughan Town. Not much else to report, just looking forward to round 3! Hope yáll well =D

1 comment:

Andytgeezer said...

Oh wish I was there again! Looks like a good one. Shame there aren't any over summer cos my dang teaching thing keeps getting in the way of taking a week off to go to Vaughneys place dammit.
